Hornets’ Nest on Vinyl

On limited edition vinyl for the very first time, Demon Records presents the unique audio adventure that first instigated Tom Baker’s remarkable return to the role of the Doctor. 

An exclusive, frameable portrait of the Fourth Doctor – every copy of which has been individually signed by Tom Baker himself – is just one of the treats inside this stunningly designed package. 

An impressive, die-cut removable outer sleeve houses a hornet-adorned lidded box, inside which are 10 individual, exquisitely illustrated LP sleeves featuring full cast and credits for each story. 

Also included is The Doctor’s Journal, a large 16-page full colour booklet detailing the Time Lord’s notes and illustrations from his battles against the hornets. 

Presented across 10 x 140g alternating Yellow and Black vinyl discs, this full-cast audio adventure by Paul Magrs stars Tom Baker as the Doctor, with Richard Franklin as Mike Yates and Susan Jameson as Mrs Wibbsey. 

The supporting cast includes Daniel Hill, Christian Rodska, Michael Maloney, Stephen Thorne and Rula Lenska, and sound design is by Simon Power, alongside the familiar Doctor Who theme from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. 

LP 1&2: The Stuff of Nightmares 

LP 3&4: The Dead Shoes 

LP 5&6: Circus of Doom 

LP 7&8: A Sting in the Tail 

LP 9&10: Hive of Horror 

When Captain Mike Yates is reunited with his old friend the Doctor, he finds him besieged by a powerful race of insects intent on global domination. As the Time Lord recounts his recent adventures across the centuries, it becomes clear that the fate of mankind is in the hands of the Doctor, Mike and the peculiar Mrs Wibbsey…

Pre-order the vinyl <a href=”http://<a href=”https://www.amazon.co.uk/Doctor-Who-Hornets-Signed-Yellow/dp/B09MNNV7TC?crid=ZYB03JXQUQG8&keywords=doctor+who+hornets+nest+vinyl&qid=1639660947&sprefix=doctor+who+horn%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-2&linkCode=li2&tag=carl016-21&linkId=783731984937e49c233105ebb25c9492&language=en_GB&ref_=as_li_ss_il&#8221; target=”_blank”><img border=”0″ src=”//ws-eu.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B09MNNV7TC&Format=_SL160_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=GB&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=carl016-21&language=en_GB” ></a>""here.

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